Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I had an interesting incident this week.  In the process of discussing my opinion of what the government is doing, especially with our food and health and what they will allow anymore or not allow is more like it, a comment came up of people wanting to pick and choose their own government programs.  I understand that there is a lot of that.  I know that some people want every social program you can think of, social security, medicare, welfare, Medicaid, unemployment, and the newest, health care.  I know there are people who like all of these.  I have to say, and I did, I would be much happier if the government would stay out of our lives. 

What I would really like, and I very much doubt that many people even know it; it would be great if the government did just what the constitution said it should do.  The constitution was written and our country, the best and freest country and people, were based on that document.  If you read the constitution, it states that there are some responsibilities the federal government has, and anything that is not in the constitution, the federal government should not be doing.

The federal government is supposed to protect our country from enemies and threats from others.  It is supposed to protect our borders, (did you know it even states that when someone does come to immigrate and go through the naturalization and everything, they should actually pay a fee to become a citizen?).  The government is supposed to assist the commerce among states (not in the states), and the government is supposed to print the money for the country.  The government has gone way past these things.

Let us take just one example.  The Department of Education.  There is nowhere in the constitution that says the feds should take over our schools.  Schools were supposed to be under the control of the cities and the parents.  Then it went to the counties and the states.  Unfortunately, our previous president Jimmy Carter decided to create the Department of Education.  Took all control or say from the parents and the local government and gave it to the federal.  To say the least, you now see parents competing and paying huge sums so their children do not have to go to a public school.  We all know the schools have gotten worse as the feds took more control.  That is just one example.  We may go into others at other times.

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