Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This has been a crazy week.  It seems for every step forward I get in the work I have to do, I end up going back three steps.  My situation is really kind of wierd.  I do loans for manufactured homes.  Since the decline in the mortgage business and the housing bubble collapse, selling anything is hard, getting financing is impossible.  I remember it being this difficult only one other time, in 1990 and '91, when all the savings and loans back east went under from bad loans.

Well due to all of this, the boss I have had since 1996 is still determined to sell.  He made arrangements with a couple of the parks we had filled with brand new homes, to work with them.  We had these two parks almost filled with new homes until the 2008 problems with foreclosures.  When the lenders started to foreclose in these parks, they were actually pulling the homes out of the parks.  This leaves the parks with too many empty spaces, making the lenders leary of financing there again.  Also it makes the comparable sales reports so bad that you can niot get financing there anymore.

So the deal was and is (although it changes daily) that we will find the buyers, actually our salesperson, Connie, will, I will do what I normally do, verifying the credit, debt ratio and getting explanations on their credit problems.  I put the deal together, send it to my boss, and the two co-owners of the parks.  I also work with escrow, and the park owners are financing the loans right now themselves.  They are doing this to prevent homes from leaving the park as much as to increse their income in rents again.

But, like I said things change all the time.  I spent most of the week getting loans reapproved that had already been approved.  Then I go through this deal with the profit and loss sheets, the problems with the contractors, all the state regulations, escrow and I do the loan documents myself.  It has been rough the last week or so.  I get approvals one day, then turn downs on the same deal the next day, that same day I will argue it, get another approval, and who knows what will happen tomorrow.  I got the profit and losses done, the deal ready to close escrow, then one of the owners calls today and wants to go over the entire P & L again, trying to somehow get around having to put money into escrow to close the deal.  He should have done that when he bought the home and there were six years of back taxes to pay. 

It really bothered me, I guess, so much today, because everytime I turned around my phone was ringing, my e-mail filling up and on and on.  They all know that Tuesdays I do not work.  This gig was supposed to be a part time thing anyway.  Now I work more than 50 hours a week.  But they know that I have certain days I have to put aside for school, and this last week no one at all respected that time.

Anyway, I guess that is my rant for today, I have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow and then of course I have two seminars also.  It is a good thing I am single and my kids are grown and do not live close to me, I have no time for anyone else.  Not even for myself a lot of the time.

Here's to having a better week and I hope everyone out there has a great one. *smile*

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